
Latest Posts:

  1. When Nothing is Certain… Everything is Possible!

    As the saying goes, “In times of uncertainty, perfection will only get in the way of progress”. This

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    Posted in: Action Learning , Uncategorized

  2. Meetings in a (Sanitized) Box

    As an organizational, team and leadership development consultancy, we at Action Learning Associates (ALA) have felt first-hand the

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    Posted in: Action Learning , Methodology

  3. Creating Learning Experiences That Don’t Suck

     “That Didn’t Suck” By Scott Miller “Hey, that didn’t suck!” says the executive vigorously shaking my hand at

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    Posted in: Action Learning , Methodology

  4. Poetry & Plumbing

    Great learning experiences are poetic experiences in which each learner interprets the experiences as they need. But the

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    Posted in: Action Learning , Methodology